Secure Ordering Quality Assured Order within

ID Card Management System

Invitations deadline extended to: 15th November 2023

Invitation deadline has now passed.

Photo ID Card People are inviting Software/Digital Service companies to quote for an ID Card Management System, currently marketed as our "Managed Service ID card solution", specifically designed for use by business customers who select this service. It will replace the existing platform which is 15 years old and no longer provides the functionality required by these customers or the flexibility needed internally to streamline our production process and cope with increasing demand.


The project is to design and deliver an online portal which looks and operates very differently to the current facility.  It is expected the front-end customer interface and the internal back-end admin area will require the adoption of the latest web based technologies, with part of the project being for the supplier to clarify these and any restrictions in their use.

Requirements Specification

  • The system will support all operations for the Managed Service side of the PICP business
  • The system will allow customers to have levels of access with a primary account and sub accounts to allow businesses to reflect their organisational structure (multiple sites, departments etc.)
  • The system will allow multiple card designs to be set up for an account and show a preview of the design to the customer
  • The system will allow card ordering to be either individual entry or bulk entry (upload) for the text data
  • The system will show the photo ID and the text entries for each card in an order for a selected card design
  • The system will allow for PICP to set key business metrics like postage to be applied to orders
  • The system will have a way for customers to view and for PICP to manage the status for card orders
  • The system will allow PICP to make notes against customers and customer orders to aid operations
  • The system will be accessible online to the customers and link to PICP operations (Dashboard, Printing etc.)


The supplier is to deliver the following outputs:

  • On site scoping workshop to interrogate the requirements – End November 2023
  • Scope of requirements and recommendations – Mid December 2023
  • Project plan with timings and guidance – End December 2023
  • Fortnightly updates on progress and any issues throughout
  • Prototype software – Early March 2024
  • User-testing – March 2024
  • Training and knowledge transfer – March 2024
  • Migration of existing customer base – March/April 2024
  • Official launch to new customers – May 2024

Submit Tender

Please send your proposal by 15th November 2023 to [email protected]  with email subject heading "Tender Invite - ID Card Management System"

Additional Resources

Download PDF Invitation to Tender Specification (PDF)

> Download Award Matrix Bid Scoring (PDF)